What Is Fatty Liver: How and Why Does One Get Diagnosed With Fatty Liver?

What Is Fatty Liver: How and Why Does One Get Diagnosed With Fatty Liver?

Fatty liver refers to an accumulation of fat in the liver. Hepatic steatosis is another term for a fatty liver. Small amounts of fat in the liver are normal, but too much fat can become problematic for health.

Excessive fat in the liver can cause liver inflammation, damaging the liver and leaving scars. This scarring can lead to liver failure in severe patients. In such cases, visit Liver specialist in Delhi immediately.

When someone who drinks a lot of alcohol develops fatty liver, it’s called alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD). Someone who does not drink a lot is known as having Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).

For the following symptoms call a Liver specialist in Delhi:

• Abdominal pain

• Loss of appetite

• Weight loss

• Weakness or Fatigue

• Nausea

• Itchy skin

• Yellow skin and eyes

• Easy bruising or bleeding

• Urine dark in color

• Pale feces

• Fluid accumulation in the stomach

• lump of the legs

• Web- alike groups of blood vessels under the skin

• Breast expansion for men

To help the fatty liver from progressing and causing complications, it’s important to follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver?

Fatty liver can progress through four phases

1. Simple fatty liver: extra fat accumulates in the liver. Simple fatty liver is nearly benign unless it progresses. Must check yourself with any best bariatric surgeon in Delhi for your extra fat.

2. Steatohepatitis: In addition to extra fat, there’s also inflammation in the liver.

3. Fibrosis: Insistent inflammation in the liver has now led to scarring. Still, the liver can continue to serve naturally.

4. Cirrhosis: Scarring of the liver has spread and is affecting the capability of the liver to serve appropriately. This is the most severe stage and is unrecoverable.

However, the fatty liver doesn’t bring eye-catching symptoms in numerous cases. You may feel tired or experience discomfort or pain in the upper right stomach. Some persons who experience symptoms of fatty liver also experience consequences, such as liver scarring, the medical term for liver scarring.

Cirrhosis is a fatal condition. If it causes significant liver scarring, can result in liver failure. Liver damage from cirrhosis is irreversible. That is why it’s so important not to let them develop in the first place.

One or another of the following factors may play a part in people who consume little alcohol and develop fatty liver

• Obesity

• Type 2 diabetes

• Insulin resistance

• High fat content, especially triglycerides, in the blood

• Metabolic progression

How is fatty liver diagnosed?

To diagnose fatty liver, doctor will take your medical history, perform a physical test, and order one or further tests.

Physical Test

The doctor may feel or press on your stomach to check for liver swelling. However, you may be capable to feel it, if your liver is enlarged. Though, your liver can come inflamed without enlarging. Your doctor may not be capable to tell if your liver is swollen to the touch.

Blood tests

The fatty liver complaint is frequently diagnosed after blood tests show elevated liver enzymes. Doctor may recommend these tests if you have developed signs or symptoms of liver complaint, or they may be included as part of routine blood tests to be ordered.

High levels of liver enzymes reveal Liver inflammation. Fatty liver complaint is a possible cause of liver inflammation, but it’s not the only one. Your doctor will probably order fresh tests to determine the cause of the lump if your test results for elevated liver enzymes are positive.

Imaging Tests

The doctor may perform one or additional of the following tests the following imaging tests to look for extra fat or other problems with your liver

• Ultrasound

• CT Scan


You could also advise a test known as VCTE, Fibroscan. Low-frequency sound waves are used in this test to gauge the liver’s rigidity. These tests may be used to identify scars.

Liver biopsy

A liver biopsy is considered the smart way to determine the severity of the liver complaint. This test can help determine if you have a fatty liver complaint and liver scarring.

Multiple people with heart complaints Die from Fatty liver and don’t show significant symptoms until severe liver damage has passed. When the first symptoms appear they can be non-specific and can include effects like fatigue and pain in the right upper stomach.

Liver specialist in Delhi suggests that the main treatment for fatty liver disease is to make life changes that are advantageous to the health and promote the liver. The damage caused by fatty liver disease can be reversed if it is treated at an early stage.

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