How can Catholic Schools approach email marketing to achieve a high ROI?

How can Catholic Schools approach email marketing to achieve a high ROI?


Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for schools to grow their online presence and increase their revenue. However, many Catholic schools are skeptical about using email marketing because it’s not as simple as sending out an automated email every day. In this article, we will discuss how you can use data collection, optimization for mobile devices, and deployment time in combination with content writing to achieve a high ROI on your emails.

Data collection

Data collection is important for any business and Catholic schools are no exception. Your goal is to understand your audience, their needs and wants, how they use the internet—and more importantly: what content they want to see.

By collecting data on this topic (e.g., emails sent vs clicks through), you can identify trends in how people interact with your emails over time. This allows you to segment out specific audiences based on their behaviors or responses (e.g., click-through rates) so that more targeted messaging can be delivered directly to those individuals most likely going through each stage of the buying cycle (eagerness/interest, consideration/researching, etc.).

Mobile Optimization

  • Make sure your email is mobile-friendly.
  • Use responsive design and avoid using a lot of images, which can slow down the loading speed of your emails.
  • Use large buttons and clear text that’s easy to read on any device.

Avoid popups—they’re not only annoying but also make it impossible for recipients to click out of them without losing their place in the message flow (and preventing them from clicking again).

Deployment time

Email marketing is a long-term strategy. It can take months to achieve a high ROI and you shouldn’t expect immediate results.

With that said, email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach new customers and make them your customers for life.


Email marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic and engagement for your business. When you send emails, it’s important that you create content that people want to read and share with their friends on social media.

To create compelling email campaigns, think about what sort of content would be most beneficial for your audience at this time in their lives. For example:

  • If they’re looking for a new job or career path (and have just graduated college), they might be interested in learning more about how to apply for jobs in their field after graduation;
  • If they’re looking for ways to save money on groceries by buying less expensive products online through coupons offered by grocery stores;

In-house or outsourced?

Outsourcing email marketing to a third-party provider can be cheaper than in-house, but it’s important to understand the costs involved.

The most important factor is the cost of the service and how well they deliver results. If you have an outsourced email marketing campaign that has been running for months and yet hasn’t generated any leads or sales, then chances are it’s not working very well. A good company will be able to show you how much money they’ve saved you over time by doing things on your behalf (or vice versa). They’ll also help guide their customers through the process of implementing new changes in order to optimize their campaigns even further than current strategies allow them to; this is what makes them so valuable!

A/B testing different variables of your email campaigns can help you determine the most effective approach.

A/B testing is a good way to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns. With A/B testing, you can compare two versions of an email campaign and determine which one is more effective.

For example, You have two emails that target different audiences with the same subject line and content, but they’re sent out at different times (i.e., one after 11:00 AM and another before 6:00 PM). Which one do you think will get more clicks? If this sounds familiar, then we want you as our friend! We’ll show how easy it is for schools across the country to use A/B testing in their marketing efforts by providing tips on how teachers can implement this strategy into their next project or event—and get results that matter!


Email marketing is a great way to promote your brand and engage your audience. The key is to think about how you can optimize each of these elements for the best results. It may be tempting to try all at once, but don’t forget that testing different variables gives you insights into what will work best for your audience—and what won’t!

Author Bio

Robert Thomas has been a Marketing Strategist for more than a decade. He is a full-time marketing strategist working in School Data Lists, a company that provides education industry data for businesses. Robert has been part of the research of the education industry market for the past five years.



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